How To Pick The Right Aluminium Windows For Your House

When it comes to picking the right aluminium windows for your house, there are a few things you need to take into account. The most important factor is the style of your home, and how the windows will fit in with the overall look. 

Types of Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows are a popular choice for many homeowners. They come in a variety of types, each with its advantages. Here are the different types of aluminium windows available.

Casement Aluminium Windows

Casement aluminium windows are designed to open outwards from the side of the window frame and are typically used in place of traditional hinged windows. 

Since these windows are made of aluminium, which makes them durable and easy to maintain, and can be fitted with a variety of different glass types depending on your needs. 

Casement windows are a great choice for homes with limited space, as they don’t take up as much room as hinged windows when opened.

Casement Aluminium Windows

Here is the technical chart attached of the Casement/openable aluminium window. Our Casement windows can go up to the height of 2400mm. 

Sliding Windows and Doors

Sliding Windows and Doors

Sliding aluminium windows are a type of window that uses a sliding mechanism to open and close the window. This type of window is typically made of aluminium, which makes it a durable and weather-resistant option. Sliding aluminium windows are a popular choice for homes and businesses in areas that experience high winds and severe weather conditions.

These windows improve the insulation and energy efficiency of your home by reducing energy bills that are incurred while controlling the temperature of the home. 


Sliding and Folding Door

Sliding and Folding Door

These doors seamlessly connect the outdoors to the indoors. Once folded, it creates a large opening for easy access providing more space instantly. 

It is functional, featured to have interlocking sashes for increased strength, and suits classic or modern style homes. It is weatherproofed around the frame to minimize draughts, dust, and water leaks. 

They are completely customizable and can be designed without a threshold at floor level. No doubt they are becoming popular amongst the homeowners.


Slim line Windows and Doors

Slim line Windows and Doors

Slim, sleek, seamless look with superior strength is what these series epitomize. These series have concealed handles, and no hardware is visible.

Frames of the doors are concealed within the walls, maximizing natural light in the room.

A perfect blend of functionality and durability, the sliding series offers a premium look instantly. Slim series can be used for sliding or fixed windows/doors.


Consider your Climate: 

When selecting new windows for your home, it is important to consider the climate in which you live. In climates with severe weather conditions, such as hurricanes or blizzards, it is important to choose windows that are made of strong and durable material, like aluminum. 

Aluminum windows can withstand high winds and extreme weather conditions, making them a perfect choice for homes in these climates.

Aluminium is a good material for windows because it is strong and doesn’t corrode, but it is important to choose the right style of window for your climate.

In very cold climates, it is important to choose a style of window that will keep the cold out, and in very hot climates, it is important to choose a style of window that will let the air circulate.

Choose The Right Colour:

There are a variety of reasons why homeowners may choose to have customized aluminum windows installed in their homes. One reason may be that they are looking for a specific color that is not available in pre-manufactured windows. By having the woodminium windows custom-made, the homeowner can ensure that they get the perfect color to match the look and feel of their home.

Range of Colors


In conclusion, it is important to pick the right aluminium windows for your home. Consider your climate and choose the right colour to match your home’s style. Talk to a professional to find the best fit for your home.

High-performance Aluminium & uPVC windows in Yelahanka

Yelahanka, is a suburb of Bengaluru, Karnataka. The population has been steadily growing over the years. This increase in population indirectly leads to an increase in demand for housing developments. 

With this recent construction trend, there are several options available when it comes to window type. They are aluminium and uPVC windows which are known for their various benefits and savings. 

uPVC windows

The benefits of uPVC windows are becoming more and more apparent. In the past, windows were a major time investment for homeowners, with many structures requiring new windows to be installed every few years. Modern uPVC windows have been gaining in popularity due to their low maintenance, while still being durable and affordable. 

The installation process is also quick and easy, so homeowners no longer need to worry about waiting around for days while strangers work on their home.

Aluminium windows

Aluminium windows are considered to be an excellent investment for anyone who is looking to improve their home’s exterior. 

These windows are an excellent choice for any homeowner looking to enhance their home. They are durable, energy-efficient, and they prevent moisture from getting trapped inside your walls.

The outside finish is aesthetically pleasing and the surface between the wall and window is filled with silicone to reduce drafts and noise.

1. Weather Resistance

uPVC windows: uPVC windows are made out of a material that can withstand most weather conditions. Since uPVC windows are made to last in extreme conditions, they are less likely to break due to storms or bad weather.

Aluminium windows: Aluminium windows are Weather Resistance. They are strong and durable and can’t be easily cracked. If you would like to know more about aluminium windows, keep reading. 

2. High Security

uPVC windows: uPVC windows are Highly Secured windows because they are not able to let in burglars when they break-in. The frames of the windows are made of tough Un-plasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride that is very strong and tough. Another good thing is that locks are often invisible so burglars can’t see them easily.

Aluminium windows: Aluminium is a very high-secured metal. The “high” in “high security” means that aluminium has a lot of strength and can be difficult to break.

It is a type of soft metal that cannot be broken easily. When you want to break it, it will take a lot of time and effort. You can’t even cut it with a knife or break it through a hammer.

3. High Sound Insulation

uPVC Windows: Sound insulation through uPVC window can be done by using a DGU glass. The two panes of glass and the gas or vacuum in-between them create a barrier to sound, stopping it from passing through the window.

Aluminium windows: Same technique using DGU glass can be used in aluminium windows as well, it is used to trap sound inside and cannot escape in and out. This makes for a much quieter environment to study or sleep in. If you have too much noise outside that seeps into your home, this can help block it out.

4. Longevity of Windows

uPVC Windows: The lifespan of uPVC windows is around 25-30 years. This is because the uPVC material that they are made out of Polyvinyl chloride is the world’s third-most widely produced synthetic polymer of plastic.

Aluminium windows: When it comes to Aluminium is a highly durable material. With the right gauge and high-quality aluminium windows can last up to 45-50 years.

5. Maintenance Free

uPVC Windows: If you have a lot of windows in your home, they can be hard to clean. But with maintenance-free uPVC windows, you don’t have to worry about cleaning your windows anymore! 

uPVC windows will not rot, warp or corrode, even in salty coastal climates. It is easy to clean and does not require any expensive chemicals to clean the surface of the windows.

Aluminium Windows: Undoubtedly aluminium windows are maintenance-free because frames are coated to match all your architectural finishes that meet global standards. 

This windows require no maintenance because they are designed to not rust or corrode like other metals.

Our windows are being made that never need to be cleaned. They are called “Maintenance Free Aluminium Windows”. There are many reasons why people choose Maintenance Free Aluminium Windows. So that People do not have to worry about cleaning them! They are very durable and they last for a long time. These Windows are also more energy-efficient.


In conclusion, high-performance aluminium & uPVC windows in Yelahanka are a great investment for your home. They’ll add value to your property and improve its energy efficiency, preventing excessive amounts of air from coming in from the outside.

Investing in high-performance aluminium & uPVC windows in Yelahanka will add value to your home and increase its energy efficiency.

Aluminium windows that look like timber in Bangalore.

Aluminium windows that look like timber are one such innovative solution. If you are looking for an innovative way to introduce a new design in your home, then you should consider using aluminium windows that look like timber. This is a remarkable innovation in Bangalore because it is an eco-friendly material that can be easily recycled.

These windows can be customized to any design and installed on both new and old buildings with minimal interference. The windows provide excellent insulation and durability which is of paramount importance in any city where the weather is extreme and unpredictable.


> Wood requires regular polishing & maintenance. 

> Atmospheric influences, particularly temperature and moisture, or warping, of wooden frames. 

> Wood can also be affected by termites, borers, and fungi.

> Wood is a flammable material. 

> Over time, wood tends to deteriorate. 


Benefits of Aluminium windows that look like timber.

Aluminum windows that look like wood will give your home a natural feel and will give you the same benefits of using real wood. They won’t rot like wood does and come with many different finishes you can choose from. You may want to use them on a porch or on an outdoor living area, they don’t need any maintenance and they are affordable.


Aluminium window frames can be made to look like real wood windows.

Wooden Shade For Windows

Wood effect on aluminium windows is the new trend in the market. Many homeowners want to match their windows’ appearance as much as possible with the aesthetic looks of their house. 

Woodminium provides high quality and uber market wood effects that look like timber windows.

Our Aluminium window and door frames are coated with a base coat first. And then they undergo a sublimation process where the wood effect patterns are added to the surface of the frames. Wood effect patterns are coated by covering the entire aluminum profile in a special plastic wrap that has the wood pattern printed on it. 

Then the air is sucked out of the bag and the profile is then placed in a sublimation oven that bakes aluminium profile at 200 degrees. Then the wood effect pattern which was printed on the special wrap is transferred under heat to the base-coated profile. All the raw material is imported and hence the coating comes with a warranty. 

This provides a strong bond of the wood effect, not just on the surface that is visible, but on the entire aluminium profile. By offering all the advantages and looks of wood, be it the richness of the mahogany, the burls & curls of walnut, or the grains of teak.

All the architecture finishes meet global AAMA Standards and are Qualideco and Qualicoat approved. 

Contact us if you are a homeowner and interested in aluminium windows in Bangalore that look like timber. 

How do you know if aluminium windows are of good quality?

Aluminium windows are a popular choice for people looking for good quality windows for their homes. It is important to know how to distinguish between a high-quality aluminium window and a low-quality one. One way you can tell if an aluminium window is of good quality is by its warranty. While a bad one might only offer limited coverage.


It is important that when buying aluminium windows, you should know the quality of the product. This article will highlight a few points which are mentioned below to identify the good quality of aluminium windows. 


Architecture (Styles of Aluminium windows)


The design of the aluminium frame of your window is a large element. Since there are a plethora of different alternatives, you might find it difficult to choose which one to go with. 


However, you need to make sure that your decision fulfills the architectural preferences of your home. The measurements taken beforehand can allow you to pick a design that suits the surroundings of your home.


You can choose an aluminium window style from our aluminium premium series and aluminium luxury series. Which are famous for their aesthetics and ability to amalgamate easily with your home.


Security of the Aluminium Windows.


The security of aluminium windows is a major concern for building owners. It is often used in office buildings, schools and other commercial facilities with a high level of public visitors. 


Thus to increase security, our aluminium windows are installed with security locks which come with multiple point locks, doubled or toughened glass that improves the security of the building.


Key Elements Of The Window Frame


Ergonomic design and top-quality fixtures are extremely important when selecting a durable frame. One of the most crucial aspects about a premium quality frame is finesse.


In addition, make sure frames are fusion welded and seal the gaps with silicone.


Quality of aluminium windows


The quality of aluminum windows varies greatly, with high-quality windows having an exceptionally smooth and consistent surface, whereas low-quality windows can have pitting when the profile was heated during powder coating. 


A smooth finish is achieved by polishing the die after each extrusion run, to reduce corrosion and render the surface of the component less susceptible to contamination, by creating a quality finish ready for the next powder coating process.


All our windows will last long, with strong quality and with an excellent warranty.



Homeowners often take a pass on high-quality windows due to the cost involved. Here’s what many industry professionals have to say about this: “A high-quality aluminium window is a one-time investment. “


Whatever price point is chosen, even if it’s somewhat above the set limit, homeowners should be sure to choose aluminum framing since it complements their investment. You remain sure to go for the perfect aluminium frame and the best one that matches your budget.


Ensure that the numbers you are comparing for your price quotes are from vendors selling comparable products. For example, check the ups, downs of the Aluminium frames and extras like Multi-Point lock, Handles, Gaskets, Brushes, Rollers, etc.


There is a surprising difference between the quality of Aluminum and parts used in the windows. Suppliers such as woodminium windows guarantee prime billets and locate parts from reputable manufacturers to furnish a complete window system that complies with international codes and ethics.



In conclusion, some key elements to check for when considering the quality of aluminium windows are whether they have a security seal, what type of frame they have, how many air bubbles there are in the window’s surface, and what sort of materials were used in their construction.

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